New Ways to Keep Up With Wyverns & Waypoints and other Dragon Game Content

Greetings all! I’ve been working to set up new avenues of communication and interaction with the Wyverns & Waypoints blog. I’m also hoping to encourage a bit of community growth, foster discussions, and get people more exposed to what dragon-related games are on the market or being developed. Fortunately for me, a separate community effort has recently popped up and I’m excited to share!

If this is something you’re into, I highly recommend checking out the options below. Many of these are new and rather small at the moment, so I would greatly appreciate any help in growing these communities!


The most direct way you can get Wyverns & Waypoints blog post notifications is going to be signing up for my Newsletter. This will deliver new posts directly to your email inbox.


Wyverns & Waypoints now has a Facebook page! I’ll be sharing new blog posts here as they go up, as well as updates from developers or other game pages.

Check out the Wyverns & Waypoints Facebook page here.

Additionally, I’ve started a “Dragons in Video Games” Facebook group for those of you who like participating in discussions on that platform.

Check out the Dragons in Video Games Facebook group here.


I was in the very slow process of properly setting up my own Wyverns and Waypoints Discord server, but this week I was invited to a new community-driven Dragon Games Cave Discord. The folks there are doing exactly what I was hoping to achieve by keeping a database of dragon-related games and fostering community discussion. Who knows, I may still try and get the W&W server up and running eventually, but I am excited that I’ve helped inspire fellow enthusiasts to start new communities!

Check out the Dragon Games Cave Discord server here.

As a final note, the blog has been much quieter than I want, but I promise I still have plans in store here. The dragon game scene has been a bit slow as of late, so hopefully we see some new releases and announcements very soon!

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